"Sometimes, to become who we are obligated to be, we must first deconstruct who we are."
- Me, while flying into Copenhagen
"There is no bad weather in Copenhagen, only poor choices of clothing." - My friend, Michael
"The best thing you can do in a new city is get lost in it. Make sure you get lost in Copenhagen." - Ryan, friend and former DIS student
"We suffer from the pain of exclusion because we cannot go deeper, past it's superficiality."
- DIS welcome speaker
"I feel like people are an extension of myself." - Jenee, friend and housemate
"The creme brulee is actually the experience of the human soul." - Brian, professor of philosophy
"The time when you remember your greatness is when you have lost it" - Morten, professor of sociology and religion
"I'm stuck thinking about the finality of it all. These friends, I won't know them in a few months. Do these friendships even matter? When I get home I'll only be with my college friends for another semester. Do those relationships matter? When will things start mattering?"
- Millie, friend and travel companion.
"This is my country, I am very proud." - Narcis, Romanian tour guide.