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The Bike Shop

Enter friends 1, 2, 3, 4, and me

Friend 1: Hello, we’re DIS students. We ordered bikes online.

Employee 1: Runs to close the door. DIS second register!

Customer 1: So I bring the bike back in the shop when I am finished? What about the key?

Cashier: You return bike outside of shop. You lock bike with key. You return key through the door. Have a nice day.

(To Friend 1) You’re with DIS? You pre-ordered online?

Customer 1: leaves without closing the door. Loud music is heard from the streets.

Employee 1: runs to close the door.

Friend 1: Yes. I ordered earlier today.

Employee 1: Anyone through DIS who has not pre-ordered come to the back computer!

Friend 4 and Me: Follow to the back.

Friend 4: presses commands on the computer.

Friend 4: I can’t figure out how to make the “@” sign on this computer?

Me: Have you tried shift + 4?

Friend 4: Yeah

Me: Try command, alt, and 4?

Friend 4: Oh cool that worked! Types more commands into computer. Shit my payment didn’t go through! Sorry this is taking so long!

Woman 1: enters shop, music blasts through the door. Is there a bathroom here?

Cashier: In the back.

Me: No problem. I think it’s assuming your billing address is in Denmark.

Cashier: God when will they stop that music?

Employee 1: runs to shut the door.

Friend 4: Oh, yeah, thanks. Leaves computer.

Me: Orders bike online, returns to front of store and waits in line.

Friend 3: Yes, I put in the order like an hour ago.

Cashier: Okay… here it is. Would you like to buy a helmet with it for 300?

Friend 3: Sure.

Cashier to employee 1: Get a woman’s bike from the back!

Employee 1: Does she want a basket?

Friend 3: Yeah, I’d like a basket.

Employee 1: Why do we have so many women needing bicycles today?

Cashier: Tell me the key and lock number on that bike.

Employee 1: Holds bike upside down and reads off some numbers.

Cashier: Take this, put it on the lock.

Employee 1: Takes the sticker and puts it on the bike. Exits with Friend 4

Customer 2: I’d like to help my host student rent a bike for the semester.

Cashier: Is she in DIS?

Customer 2: Yes, we just filled out the form on the computer.

Cashier: Show me her student ID?

Customer 2: We don’t have it with us. But she is from DIS

Cashier: If I do not have student ID and student number, I cannot give rent her a bike.

Customer 2: But she’s going to DIS.

Cashier: Right, but I need to put in her number so DIS can refund the bike if something happens.

Customer 2: I can email you her ID later.

Cashier: Yes you can do that, but the Bike would need to be registered under your name until then. (To Employee 1) Fix them with a bike.

Customer 3: Hi, I’d like to rent a bike. I’m with DIS.

Cashier: Did you pre-order?

Woman 1: returns from the bathroom and exits

Cashier: Uhh! That music!!

Employee 1: drops bike and runs to shut the door.

Cashier: yells in Danish.

Employee 1: replies in Danish.

Cashier: yells again in Danish.

Employee 1: picks up dropped bike.

Customer 3: I didn’t pre-order. Can I do that here?

Cashier: Yes, in the back. Next!

Me: Hello, I just pre-ordered in the back but I’m not sure if the computer was processing everything.

Cashier: Damn that computer. Spell your last name.

Me: spells last name

Cashier: You’re in the program but it says your order is cancelled. You can pay for it with a card here.

Employee 2: enters shop

Employee 2: Sorry I’m late! What work can I do?

Employee 1: runs to close the door and block off the music.

Cashier: Find a men’s bike from the back. Do you want a basket?

Me: That would be great!

Cashier: Get one with a basket! Would you like to buy an extra helmet?

Me: No, one helmet it good.

Cashier: laughs

Employee 2: You’re in luck. This bike comes with a lucky key! Do you like it?

Me: Oh, it’s wonderful!

Cashier: It is wonderful! Laughs

Employee 2: Hold this bike up for me so I can read the numbers.

Employee 1 holds bike and employee 2 recites. Cashier prints out a sticker and hands it to employee 1.

Employee 2: What are you doing! The sticker goes on the lock not the bike!

Cashier: yells at employee 1 in Danish.

Employee 3: Have you been putting the sticker in the wrong place this entire time?

All: yell in Danish.

Employee 1: We will just have to put the stickers on the locks from now on then.

Cashier: Please sign receipt.

Me: Signs receipt. Thank you!

Employee 3: Come with me to the back to get adjusted to the bike.

Me: Walks to the back.

Customer 4: Hi you work here? The computer isn’t working.

Me: No, but I’ve done it be-

Customer 4: No it’s fine.

Employee 3: This bike is broken. Ask the cashier for a new receipt.

Me: Returns to front of the shop.

Customer 3: Are you sure I’m not in the program? I just pre-ordered!

Cashier: Try again in the back. It didn’t go through.

Me: Hi, I was told to ask for a new receipt. The bike was broken.

Cashier: Here you go.

Me: Takes new receipt.

Employee 2: I found you a great bike! This one has a lucky number!

Me: Another lucky number?

Employee 2: Exactly! Take this to the back. Hands me a bike.

Employee 3: Wanna help me out?

Me: Yeah, what can I do?

Employee 3: Hold this bike upside down for me to read the numbers. Thanks!

Woman 2: Enters. Is there a bathroom here?

Cashier: To the back.

Employee 2: Did you hear that! They stopped playing the music!

All: Cheer.

Employee 3: So I can’t adjust the seat but it seems to fit you fine. Do you think the seat needs to be changed?

Me: No it feels fine, thanks.

Employee 3: Cool. To break, you press this lever but that only brakes the front tire. There is a secret break that you should mostly use by peddling backwards.

Me: Cool, got it.

Employee 2: And change gears when your moving but not peddling. Changing gears when you aren’t moving, like this, changes gears on the bike, is really bad for the bike.

Me: Alright. I also bought a helmet.

Employee 2: Oh yeah! Here, try this on.

Me: This helmet doesn’t have a buckle.

Employee 3: I got you this one. There is red on it so you can go even faster.

Me: Oh, wow. That’s… cool.

Me: Leaves store

Me: Shit where’d my friends go?

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